Performance and Capacity 2014 by CMG – Early Bird Registration Deadline Extended!

Performance and Capacity 2014 by CMG – Early Bird Registration Deadline Extended!

Performance and Capacity 2014 by CMG – Early Bird Registration Deadline Extended!


The Early Bird Registration deadline to receive a discounted registration has been extended to midnight September 30, 2014!

Take advantage of the savings by registering today HERE.

While registering, why not take advantage of CMG’s discounted hotel rates, too? Register with the Georgia Tech Conference Center Hotel HERE. Please follow the instructions located on this page to complete your hotel registration.

The Preliminary Agenda HERE looks outstanding and I am excited to be a part of this fantastic Conference! Mark your calendars, get your registrations in and join us in Atlanta to learn from industry experts and your peers about the latest trends in Performance and Capacity Management.

From the beginner to the expert, there is something here for everyone!

Focusing on the issues that matter most to our attendees, our Conference provides what you have asked for — timely advice and tips on how to resolve Performance and Capacity issues faced by our attendees regularly.

In today’s complex IT environments, just one new method learned at the Conference may immediately save your organization far more than the entire cost of the Conference!

We on the Conference Committee look forward to meeting each of you in Atlanta in November!

Steve Clark
General Chair
Performance and Capacity 2014 by CMG
CMG’s 40th Annual International Conference
November 3 -6, 2014
Georgia Tech Conference Center
Atlanta, GA.


Upcoming Events

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