Performance and Capacity 2014 by CMG – Hotel Rooms Still Available!

Performance and Capacity 2014 by CMG – Hotel Rooms Still Available!

Performance and Capacity 2014 by CMG – Hotel Rooms Still Available!


Hotel Rooms Still Available!

The Conference Hotel is filling up fast! Get your hotel booking HERE by midnight EDT on October 9 to assure you have a room at the CMG Preferred Rate of $169+tax per night. Any rooms not booked by that date may  not be available. The hotel has informed me the hotel is sold out, so the few remaining rooms in the CMG room block are all that remain.

Still haven’t registered for the Conference? It’s not too late! Register HERE today! You may have missed the deadline for Early Bird discount but I am holding a seat just for you!

A few changes to the Program have recently been made. Find an updated Program Schedule HERE. Have you installed EventBoard on your mobile device yet? Get the latest program updates and other timely Conference information right on your mobile device. Follow the Conference on Twitter using #CMG2014.

See you all in Atlanta in three weeks!

Steve Clark
General Chair
Performance and Capacity 2014 by CMG
CMG’s 40th International Conference on IT Performance and Capacity Management


Upcoming Events

Webinar: Fear & Loathing in Automation-Land
October 6, 2014
Invited Speaker Highlights of CMG International Conference
October 22, 2014
Webinar: Fear & Loathing in Automation-Land
October 6, 2014
Invited Speaker Highlights of CMG International Conference
October 22, 2014