Call for Workshops

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Reminder: 2015 Board of Directors – Call for Nominations
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Call for Workshops

Call for Workshops

The Computer Measurement Group (CMG) calls for Monday morning Workshops for CMG’s 41st International IT Capacity and Performance Conference to be held in San Antonio, TX, November 2-5, 2015.

The 2015 CMG Conference will be presented over 4 days. On the first morning, CMG will offer Workshops that are 3 hour sessions, each on a specific topic. Workshops are intended to provide in-depth coverage of a technique/technology that attendees, with knowledge and skills, can apply in their daily jobs. Workshops are “How To” sessions that explain how to apply popular tools and products to important performance and capacity tasks, and are meant to educate performance professionals in the application of current techniques and commercially available technology.

We invite you to share your knowledge and experiences, so please plan to submit a Workshop proposal for presentation at the 2015 CMG Conference. Submission is easy; simply e-mail CMG your Workshop Title and Abstract by the June 5th, 2015 deadline.

For more information, go to the Call for Workshops on the CMG web site.

To submit a Workshop proposal, or if you have any questions about Workshops, just e-mail the 2015 Conference Workshop Chair, Mike Recant, at [email protected]

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