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The Midwest CMG will have a meeting on June 13th, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Mart Plaza.
Holiday Inn Mart Plaza River North
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, Il
The door to the Merchant’s Room will open for check in at 8:00. The meeting starts at 8:30.
There will be speakers for both the Distributed and z/OS sides. Plus, we will have 2 morning sessions on general measurement topics for both platform areas. One dealing with new data representation techniques and one dealing with Big Data. The afternoon is divided by 2 platform specific split sessions: Debbie Sheetz will provide great insight on distributed platform topics and a combination of Don Zeunert and Glen Anderson will speak to relevant z/OS topics.
Please review the agenda for abstract information and speaker bios.
We are grateful for our longtime supporters, who’ve helped us build up our funds and want to give you the opportunity for a day “on us” to restart our region. Your boss will be happy to hear that you are getting something at no cost to you.
The Midwest CMG will make this a onetime only, FREE meeting. In addition, the Midwest CMG will provide some nourishment for the morning, a lunch and some afternoon refreshments. If you plan on attending and have specific dietary needs, please let us know in advance.
But don’t delay, due to the ‘Free’ nature of this meeting, seating will be limited to 40. So please reply that you wish to attend or write to Greg_Scriba@bmc.com
You will receive a confirmation email to bring to the event. Once our quota of 40 has been fulfilled, we will close registration and you will receive a notification that registration has been closed.
Thanks for all your past support. Hope to see you June 13.
If you cannot attend, please pass this on to someone who is interested in the topics and can attend.
Gregory Scriba
Principal Software Consultant
ITIL Capacity Management Practitioner
Email : greg_scriba@bmc.com