Welcome to the first issue of CMG Journal for 2018. It’s hard to believe that CMG Impact 2017 is already two months behind us. Many of us are in the middle of winter’s deep freeze. What better way to get the brain warmed up than by reading this, the latest issue of CMG Journal. This month we have four papers and a book review for your enjoyment.
Our first paper was written by the 2009 CMG AA Michelson Award Winner, Bruce McNutt. System Utilization: Keeping the Glass Half Full , is a second edition of the same title paper that Bruce presented at the CMG 2016 Conference…
Our second paper, Machine Learning for Predictive Performance Monitoring: Predicting Near-Future Total CPU Utilization using the SAS/STAT® GLMSELECT Procedure , written by Tim Browning, presents techniques based on statistical machine learning for predicting near future CPU utilization based on the current system state as defined by selected features, feature extractions, and time classifications…
This issue’s third paper, written by Todd Havenost, was a winner of the Best Paper award at the recent CMG Impact 2017 Conference. Achieving CPU (& MLC) Savings through Optimizing Processor Cache, introduces key processor cache concepts and metrics, laying the foundation for understanding the vital role processor cache plays in CPU consumption.
The final paper of the issue is FICON CUP Diagnostics and the IBM Health Checker for z/OS , written by Steve Guendert. This is a paper based on a chapter from the new book Steve just completed writing. …
Last but not least, is a book review of Greg Schulz’s latest work, Software-Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials . I highly recommend this book to all our members, especially those of you interested in storage and I/O…
We are actively soliciting papers for future issues of CMG Journal. We are planning on publishing four issues per year, with a goal of four high-quality papers per issue. Our next issue is planned for May 2018 and we are currently looking for and reviewing submissions. Please consider writing a paper for the CMG Journal. You can submit your papers, as well as feedback to us at cmgjournal@cmg.org.
Thanks again for reading. We hope you enjoy this issue.
Stephen R. Guendert, Ph.D.
CMG Journal Editor
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