Executive Insights Atlanta | 4 Habits of digital transformation titans – Joel Beasley :: Modern CTO + LeaderBits.io - Computer Measurement Group

Executive Insights Atlanta | 4 Habits of digital transformation titans – Joel Beasley :: Modern CTO + LeaderBits.io

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Executive Insights Atlanta | 4 Habits of digital transformation titans – Joel Beasley :: Modern CTO + LeaderBits.io

What do the CTOs of Microsoft, Verizon and NASA do to accelerate digital transformation? Learn how these industry titans navigate the digital transformation landscape in this engaging high energy talk.

You’ll leave this talk with:

  • Clarity – Clear path to thrive in an ever-changing ecosystem.
  • Certainty – Actionable steps to implement today.
  • Confidence – To navigating this jagged path of acceleration & transformation.

Warning: Attending the 4 habits of digital transformations titans will give you a clear edge in the market, provide you tactical insights inside the minds of world-class leaders and leave you energized ready to take on the next wave of acceleration and transformation.

To view the full session you must have a CMG membership. Sign up today!

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