Executive Insights Atlanta | The Future of IT and the Human Element – Jason James :: Chief Information Officer, Net Health - Computer Measurement Group

Executive Insights Atlanta | The Future of IT and the Human Element – Jason James :: Chief Information Officer, Net Health

Executive Insights Atlanta | Driving Digital Transformation with Intention – Jeff Clement :: Director, Client Services at Metasource IT
July 31, 2019
IT Leaders Survey
August 5, 2019

Executive Insights Atlanta | The Future of IT and the Human Element – Jason James :: Chief Information Officer, Net Health

Digital transformation brings with it many rewards for organizations. From modernizing technology, reducing risks and improving the availability of systems to delivering better customer experiences—digital transformation represents a competitive advantage and a profound culture shift. In this session, Jason James will present real-world examples of how Optima Healthcare Solutions is leveraging digital transformation and how these same types of initiatives can be implemented in any organization to benefit its people, systems, processes—and bottom line.

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