Call for Board Members

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A New Model for Cloud Adoption
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October 21, 2019
A New Model for Cloud Adoption
A New Model for Cloud Adoption
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Job Trends for 2020 and Beyond – CMG Job Board
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Call for Board Members

CMG has opened its call for new members to serve on the Board of Directors for the 2020-2022 term starting December 2019.

The Board will support the work of CMG and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by CMG’s Managing Director, the Board-Managing Director relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected. This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about technology, CMG’s mission, and who wishes to gain valuable volunteer and leadership experience.

The Computer Measurement Group Inc. (CMG) is a membership organization of IT professionals committed to digital transformation initiatives and best practices, including the measurement and management of computer systems and networks from a performance and capacity perspective to drive ongoing change. CMG is an invaluable resource for IT professionals, helping them to keep on top of new and innovative technologies and trends.

Requirements of Board Members include:

  • Membership in good standing of CMG
  • Commitment to carry out duties and responsibilities as assigned
  • Commitment to the implementation of the strategic plan
  • Attendance at regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors as required by CMG policies
  • Service on a standing or ad hoc committee as requested by the Board Chair
  • Service as an ambassador for CMG with introductions to and promotion of revenue-generating activities

The complete board member job description is online here.

Interested? Please complete the form located at

General FAQs about the Board

  • What will I do as a board member?
    • Board members contribute as thought leaders, event contributors, writers, lead generators, committee members, etc. Generally, a board member may work on a committee to coordinate an event like IMPACT or a virtual conference. They may also work with the Sponsorship director on lead generation.
  • When are the meetings?
    • The board meets for its general meeting as a conference call monthly for one hour. The board meets for a half-day retreat in conjunction with the IMPACT conference annually. The board may also elect to meet for 1-2 additional in-person meetings during the year for a full or half-day. Virtual participation is generally possible, though not preferred for these meetings.
  • What is the estimated time commitment?
    • Standard board meetings are monthly for one hour. Committee and task force time commitments depend on the project or initiative and its timeline. Active time in meetings will generally not exceed 6 hours per month. But “offline” work may require up to 15 hours per month. It is all very dependent on your committee and task force work.
  • Is there a financial commitment?
    • CMG board members are asked to help CMG solicit sponsors, members, and partners. Board members are asked to “give or get” a contribution of personal significance to CMG annually.
  • Do I need to be in enterprise IT?
    • Not at all! But an awareness of the technology industry and its ecosystem is important.
  • Can I volunteer without being a board member?

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