Business Continuity: The Cornerstone to Resiliency in a Pandemic - Computer Measurement Group

Business Continuity: The Cornerstone to Resiliency in a Pandemic

Computer Performance Modeling
June 3, 2020
Business Continuity: Leveraging VR/AR and Virtualization technologies for Business Continuity in Turbulent Times
June 15, 2020

Business Continuity: The Cornerstone to Resiliency in a Pandemic

Presenter: Michael Puldy, Former Director of Business Continuity Management, IBM.


With COVID-19, the sleepy discipline of business continuity has become the central point of discussion for every chairman, for every board member, and for clients and partners.  Every business suddenly wants to know what their program looks like, and every client wants confirmation their business will continue uninterrupted.  This presentation will discuss critical concepts on how to protect critical business operations from failure and thoughts on expanding a program to protect against threats to technical and personal continuity.  In addition, the discussion will highlight how responding to the worldwide pandemic is not much different than responding to more traditional disasters.

Presentation video and deck available. To download the presentation, you must be a virtual conference registrant or have a CMG membership.

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