These are just a few of the sessions featured in our Modern Enterprise IT Track at IMPACT!
When your Site Fails it can be Great for Business
The site crash was and still is their best sales day, ever. The platform failing over caused people to keep trying and trying to get through. The site failing over made them more desirable. They didn’t just keep trying for 5-10 mins and give up. They were trying all day. People had a fear of missing out…
Thomas Ballard
Chief Commercial Officer
Market Hill
London, England United Kingdom

Natural Language Generation: Creating human-readable text with machines
Not all performance topics and recommendations simply cut and dry. Many are controversial. These are the recommendations that tend to generate discussion amongst peers, need careful consideration, or may depend on which ‘performance camp’ you belong to. During this presentation, we will explore some of these topics.
Mohammed Jalil
Kuala Lumpur, Selangor Malaysia
Bringing AI Out of the Lab: Realizing Real-World Deployments of Deep Learning on Edge Devices, at Scale
As far as research is concerned, deep learning works seamlessly in the lab today. However, businesses are running into trouble when trying to commercialize deep learning into a product or real-world application. Deep learning deployment today is limited mostly to cloud, and even there, involves huge costs for expensive processors, large amounts of memory, and especially high electricity costs, due to intensive computing requirements. On edge devices too (mobile devices, drones, etc.), deep learning deployment remains very limited due to these heavy processing, memory, and battery requirements. Dr. David will elaborate on the specific pain points and questions CIOs are looking to address as they seek to gain more business value from AI technology, and discuss how deep learning technology must shift to become applicable beyond the lab and truly enable real-world deployment.
Dr. Eli David
Co-founder, DeepCube
Tel Aviv, Israel

Finding the Right Use Cases for AI
AI is more of an art than just a technology. Finding the right use cases is key and design thinking is crucial to determine what your customers need. We will walk through how to identify customer- focused use cases and the importance of stakeholder management to bring the product vision to life.
Kanwar Gaurav Paul
Director Product Management Artificial Intelligence
Fidelity Investments
Cary, North Carolina United States