IMPACT2021 | Determining the Best Use of AI to Meet Your IT Ops Needs – Chris Spence, Dave Helsley - Computer Measurement Group

IMPACT2021 | Determining the Best Use of AI to Meet Your IT Ops Needs – Chris Spence, Dave Helsley

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IMPACT2021 | Determining the Best Use of AI to Meet Your IT Ops Needs – Chris Spence, Dave Helsley

There is a misconception that AI is about replacing people, but it’s more about using technology to assist us in accomplishing objectives more efficiently. When it comes to applying AI to IT operations (AIOps), a primary focus is shifting from reactive fire-fighting to proactively avoiding issues that could negatively impact the business. But each organization has different objectives, limitations and needs which should be considered when implementing an AIOps strategy. Join this session to learn from the experiences of large and small companies about how to assess the best ways AIOps can help your organization.

Chris Spence – AI Product Management & Strategy Lead, Broadcom
Dave Helsley, Distinguished Engineer & AIOps Architect, Broadcom

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