IMPACT2021 | Failing over without falling over – Adrian Cockcroft

IMPACT2021 | Failing over without falling over – Adrian Cockcroft

In this keynote presentation, Adrian Cockroft will talk about failing over without falling over; using chaos engineering and cloud to build resilient systems. Currently serving as VP Cloud Architecture Strategy at AWS, Adrian Cockcroft has had a long career working at the leading edge of technology. He’s always been fascinated by what comes next, and he writes and speaks extensively on a range of subjects. For AWS he’s particularly interested in working closely with customers around their use and creation of open source projects, and will continue to engage with developers and executives via conferences and summits around the world.

At Battery, he advised the firm and its portfolio companies about technology issues and also assisted with deal sourcing and due diligence, becoming well known as a thought leader in cloud, DevOps and microservices architectures.

Before joining Battery, Adrian helped lead Netflix’s migration to a large scale, highly available public-cloud architecture and the open-sourcing of the cloud-native NetflixOSS platform. Prior to that at Netflix, he managed a team working on personalization algorithms and service-oriented refactoring.

Adrian was a founding member of eBay Research Labs, developing advanced mobile applications and even building his own homebrew phone, years before iPhone and Android launched. As a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems he wrote the best-selling “Sun Performance and Tuning” book and was the chief architect for High-Performance Technical Computing.

Adrian Cockcroft
VP Cloud Architecture Strategy at AWS


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