IMPACT2021 | Capacity and performance before and after a major infrastructure transition – Steven Thomas - Computer Measurement Group

IMPACT2021 | Capacity and performance before and after a major infrastructure transition – Steven Thomas

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IMPACT2021 | Capacity and performance before and after a major infrastructure transition – Steven Thomas

Major infrastructure transitions like moving to a new data center, outsourcing or changing outsourcers, or simply upgrading your mainframe often involve a lot of educated guesses about capacity and performance. What are the potential costs, benefits, and tradeoffs when you initiate the transition? What optimization should be done before, during, or after the transition? What was actually achieved once the transition is complete? Often those decisions are made based more on gut feel rather than on facts. This presentation provides guidance to help customer make fact-based decisions about capacity and performance going into a major transition, monitor the results during the transition, and finally document and understand the results after the transition.

Steven Thomas

Data Centers and Cloud Infrastructure

Speaker Interview

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