Create Your Lasting Legacy - Computer Measurement Group

Create Your Lasting Legacy

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Create Your Lasting Legacy

We all have a story to tell and a person waiting to hear it so that it may set them free. As professionals, we are inundated with many responsibilities that often derail us from staying in alignment with our talents & ultimately our purpose. Every day we meet with challenges waiting to rob us from creating our lasting legacy. In this interactive keynote, each participant will rediscover their strengths, identify common symptoms of burnout that plague professionals, and gain recognition of how to develop their own voice to reach the H.E.A.R.T of the communities they serve.


  • Identify the signs and symptoms of burnout
  • Recognize their strengths to create their professional legacy
  • Discover the power of using the H.E.A.R.T methodology in sharing their core messaging


Jasmin Haley is a CEO at Beyond the Prophy LLC. It’s the strategies and methodology she had used to create her own legacy while overcoming adversities in life and to connect meaningful to others during her journey.

IMPACT 2022 Session Video:

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