IMPACT 2022 Proceedings - Computer Measurement Group

IMPACT 2022 Proceedings

Still researching the needle in the haystack on the mainframe?
January 21, 2022
Capital One announced as winner of the IMPACT Innovation Award
February 7, 2022

IMPACT 2022 Proceedings

  • All
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Capacity
  • Careers
  • Cloud
  • Containers
  • Data Center
  • Devops
  • Diversity
  • Engineering
  • Impact
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Machine Learning
  • Mainframe
  • Observability
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Site Reliability Engineering
  • Testing
  • zOS
“Game Day” Production Testing

In the IT industry, testing in production has always been considered a “bad word”. However, […]

10 tips to reach Mainframe Operational Excellence (or not)!

Operational excellence, what does it mean in this digital world? As with Covid, we have […]

5G Wireless Networks and beyond with AI/ML adaption

This presentation provides valuable architecture and business insights when planning to deploy new generation wireless […]

All Hands on Deck! Come Together with the Fab Four: Capacity, Performance, Cost and AI

In today’s world, your ‘deck’ needs more hands! It takes skilled people, an effective capacity […]

Beyond Picture Perfect Diversity: How to Create a Sense of Inclusion

Many organizations view diversity as a statistical goal, achieved by strategic hires and exemplified by […]

Boosting Engineering Speed with Cycle Time

Your engineering speed is your organization’s competitive advantage. A fast Cycle Time will help you […]

Building a Full Stack Observability Solution using Distributed Tracing

As more and more organizations start using a combination of cloud and third-party APIs, monitoring […]

Building Observability into Your Engineering Processes

Engineering leaders recognize the importance of building observability into their software systems. Through testing, monitoring, […]

Capital One announced as winner of the IMPACT Innovation Award

MongoDB, Capital One, and Softcity Group were recognized during the 2022 CMG conference. Atlanta, GA […]

Cloud Decisions Optimization

Organizations moving and managing workloads in the cloud face similar challenges of selecting the cloud […]

Containers Beyond Expectations: Managing Physical Desktop Computers with Containers and Kubernetes

Just before the pandemic, a colleague and I were looking at taking over the management […]

Continuous Performance Testing: Challenges and Approaches

The way we develop software is changing – and performance engineering is changing too to […]

Create Your Lasting Legacy

We all have a story to tell and a person waiting to hear it so […]

DevOps Worked… Why Hasn’t Security Kept Up?

DevOps has changed the way software is built, delivered, and operated. Behind the improvements are […]

Do You See What I See? Using AR and AI

In this hands-on workshop, we explore the challenges of real-world applications of augmented reality (AR) […]

Don’t Let Incidents Burden You. The Right Way to do Incident Response. (Tech Demo)

Learn how to do proactive incident response, streamline your workflows, and improve reliability with Blameless. […]

Drones 2 GNSS

Learn about the project Drones 2 GNSS. In a nutshell, the project uses an aerial […]

First experiences with Docker on zCX

zCX is one of the most exciting functionalities recently introduced in z/OS. With zCX, it […]

Five design patterns to build more resilient applications

To deal with uncertainty, you have to design your software to be resilient. This session […]

Get the business views you need to keep the mainframe profitable

In this TechDemo Session, you will discover a solution to make sense of your operational […]

Global Cloud Environment: Data Analysis and Management Workload

Often IT companies are facing with multiple challenges in case if they decide to create […]

IMPACT 2022 – Balancing Kubernetes performance, resilience & cost by using ML-based optimization – a real-world case

Properly tuning Kubernetes applications is a daunting task, often resulting in reliability and performance issues, […]

IMPACT 2022 – Cloud Servers Rightsizing with Seasonality Adjustments

When the cloud servers rightsizing algorithm calculates the baseline level for the current year application […]

IMPACT 2022 – Finding Your Way in the Cloudy DBMS Jungle

Driven by research and adopted by the industry, two major IT domains have experienced a […]

IMPACT 2022 – Lessons Learned from a Ransomware Attack

This talk covers a ransomware attack on a medium-size school district (23K students, 4K staff). […]

IMPACT 2022 – Mainframe innovation: unlock any data for any application

Discover how to manage data complexity and access to mainframe unstructured data and external data […]

IMPACT 2022 – Managing 50 Billion Things

Today, each IT person in the enterprise manages, on average, less than 250 devices. With […]

IMPACT 2022 – Perspectives on the USL

This session is based on the speaker’s book entitled “Information Technology Performance” that contains fundamentals […]

IMPACT 2022 – Physical data center capacity planning – Performance management at scale

This session discusses how to create a capacity management plan that includes public, private, and […]

IMPACT 2022 – System Recover Boost: Hitting the Turbo Button on z/OS

SRB is one of the more interesting things that IBM has introduced with the z15 […]

IMPACT 2022 – The Freedom of Kubernetes requires Chaos Engineering to shine in production

Like any other technology transformation, k8s adoption typically starts with small “pet projects”. One k8s […]

IMPACT 2022 – Work less and save more

Most z/OS environments have thousands of jobs , hundreds of started tasks, millions of CICS, […]

IMPACT 2022 – Your Mess Needs a Mesh

With cloud-native container-based microservice deployments, there can be challenges with consistent and reliable support for […]

IMPACT 2023 Proceedings

AllAI/MLAutomationBroadcomData ScienceDell TechnologiesDevOps and InfrastructureFinOpsIMPACT2023InnovationLeadershipMainframeModernizationObservabilityPerformancePerformance EngineeringQA/Test AutomationSecurity and ObservabilitySkills ChallengesSMT DataVicom-InfinityWeb3 and PerformanceZetalyAll          AI/ML          Automation          Broadcom          Data Science          Dell Technologies          DevOps […]

Is the mainframe at the heart of your cyber resiliency strategy?

With cyber-attacks continuing to grab headlines, many enterprises are re-evaluating their resiliency posture, including the […]

Key considerations for managing and optimizing under Tailored Fit Pricing

Tailored Fit Pricing is a new means of paying for hardware and software consumption on […]

Modeling, Animation & Observability

Modeling has been a valuable tool for evaluating application performance during design, test and production […]

Modernizing Mainframe using Cloud

The modernization of the mainframe is not lift and shift. It does not mean a […]

OpenTelemetry and Mainframe Application Performance Monitoring: How we figured out distributed tracing on Z

In this talk, you will learn how the IBM Z Application Performance Management team is […]

Panel: Roadmap for Cultivating Performance-Aware Software Engineers

The performance implications of software design choices are often only incidentally mentioned in undergraduate courses […]

Propelling Java at Alibaba Scale

Java continues to evolve to support an ever-changing ecosystem of applications, languages, and platforms. We […]

Putting a dollar value on Cloud Cost Optimisation

Picture this, each day your tech teams are provisioning more cloud services. Each month your […]

Redefining a Lean IT Support Team in 2022

Is your business currently handling IT with a small in-house team tackling most needs, and […]

Retrospectives: Do We Need Them & Why?

A retrospective (or post-mortem) is a critical part of Incident Response. If you don’t document, […]

Still researching the needle in the haystack on the mainframe?

Adopt an accessible, comprehensive and chargeable solution and keep calm & observe, now! The role […]

The future of content delivery for mobile applications

Delivering mobile content over wireless networks has become increasingly challenging over time. The volume and […]

The Purposeful Innovator

The Purposeful Innovator is an invitation to game-changing business leaders and entrepreneurs to bring their […]

Velocity: Align, Deliver, and Improve with Engineering Intelligence

It’s no secret that engineering powers today’s business success. But with a history of relying […]

What’s that VM Doing? The Sequel

Server/VM-level measurements notify the capacity/performance analyst of resource usage patterns during (1) capacity threshold breaches […]

Workforce Transformation: Defining your Digital Workplace

Today we want to not focus on what products you need to be productive in […]

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