How to prepare your business for the Metaverse and for Web 3.0

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How to prepare your business for the Metaverse and for Web 3.0

“What are the opportunities for your business in the Metaverse?”

“What is Web 3.0, and how is it different from Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?”

“What are “Digital Twins”, and what advantages and efficiencies do they bring?”

These are some of the questions that Andrea addresses in his latest keynote “How to prepare your business for the Metaverse and the Web 3.0”, in which he clarifies the fundamental concepts of this new phase of the Internet, and highlights its impacts on all sectors (from customer relations to operations, from innovation management to talent management).

In this session in particular, he shows key opportunities along 7 main axes:

1) Experience

2) Discovery

3) Collaboration

4) 3D Computing

5) Decentralization

6) Data vs. privacy

7) Technological infrastructure

In the end, he presents some practical frameworks for your business to prepare for the world of the Metaverse starting today.

Presented by

Andrea Iorio, Digital Transformation Expert

Andrea is one of the most requested keynote speakers about Digital Transformation, Leadership, Customer-centricity and Web3 globally, and he shares his thoughts and ideas at the intersection of business, technology, philosophy and neuroscience in his more than 200 keynotes per year to companies such as Abbott, Bayer, Cargill, Dow, IBM, Roche, Syngenta, Tetrapak and more.

He is a columnist at the MIT Technology Review Brazil, the official host of NVIDIA’s podcast in Brazil, as well as counts with nearly 70k followers on Linkedin.

He holds more than 10 years of experience in multinational and tech companies: he was the Head of Tinder across Latin America for 5 years, and Chief Digital Officer at L’Oréal Brazil. He is an economist with a Degree from Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), and a MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins’ SAIS (Washington, DC), and is now an MBA professor at Fundação Dom Cabral.

He is the author of 3 books in Portuguese: “6 Competências para Surfar na Transformação Digital”, “O futuro não é mais como antigamente”, and “Metanoia Lab: lições sobre competências humanas na era digital”: the first one reached the n. 1 position on Amazon in the People Management and Leadership sections in Brazil.


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