Fast and Furious: The Psychology of Web Performance

Fast and Furious: The Psychology of Web Performance

People don’t like to wait. It’s been proven numerous times that slow websites irritate us. We know that for users to have an enjoyable user experience, a website has to load between 1-2 seconds, but why do we need it to load quickly? In this talk, I want to explore the psychology of speed and performance and share why this is equally important as knowing what performance is and the critical metrics to consider.

Presented by

Maria Cruz, Developer Advocate at k6 and Grafana Labs

Marie is currently a Developer Advocate at, a Grafana Labs company. In the past, she has been an Engineering Manager, a Principal Engineer and a Test Consultant. She is also a tech blogger at, an accessibility advocate and an online course instructor at Ministry of Testing and Test Automation University.

All past events can be found here

A Hybrid Approach to Performance Testing – Performance Testing with Cypress, Lighthouse and k6 –


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