Join Broadcom’s Todd Gagle, Distinguished Engineer, and JD Bagnell, Offering Manager, as they share the top industry trends and recent deliverables that you can capitalize on to move your business forward. This session is designed to help you immediately bring greater value to your company when you return to your “office”.
Presented by
Todd- Todd is one of the original developers of the product SYSVIEW. He has worked on the product for 35+ years. Todd has worked on all SYSVIEW components, but is best known for his work on CICS. His roles have included: developer, manager, architect and is currently a Distinguished Engineer for the AIOps & Automation solutions.JD Bagnell-JD has spent 30 years in the software development industry with the last 13 being part of the Mainframe team at Broadcom. JD has been a product manager for all of the performance monitoring and automation solutions for those years. JD has been the Offering Manager for the past 4 years where he has driven the strategy for the Mainframe Performance solution area.In his spare time, he attempts to play golf and loves to travel
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