Tree-map / Heat-chart / Tile chart is good for the data analysis visualization/dash-boarding - Computer Measurement Group

Tree-map / Heat-chart / Tile chart is good for the data analysis visualization/dash-boarding

Demystifying Performance Assessments in Scaled Down Environments
March 13, 2017
CMG Journal Spring 2017
March 29, 2017

Tree-map / Heat-chart / Tile chart is good for the data analysis visualization/dash-boarding

Re-posted with permission from System Management by Exception.

Any good reporting should be fully automated and web-based with no more then 2-3 levels of drill-downs and the highest level should be a color-coded dashboard. So what is the best mean for color-coded dashboard? Nowadays the tile (heat) chart is getting more and more popular for that purpose!

The  original source of the tree-map idea: Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies by Ben Shneiderman

CMG has published several papers about tree-mapping of capacity usage metrics:

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