Call for Board Member Interest - Computer Measurement Group

Call for Board Member Interest

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Call for Board Member Interest

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Are you looking for a challenge?  Do you like to solve problems? Would you like to help CMG expand into new markets and develop new offerings? The CMG board is looking for new board members to help us transform the organization.

This is a great opportunity for someone who is passionate about CMG’s mission, “To provide a forum for sharing, learning, and networking among professionals that are charged with IT planning and support for their organizations” has an entrepreneurial spirit and is willing to lean into a challenge.  Attached is the Board Member job description which explains the expectations and opportunities associated with the position.

The time for action is now! Be part of shaping the “New” CMG and nominate yourself today.

You can nominate yourself by completing the attached Statement of Interest.  Submitting that along with a short bio stating your professional experience and accomplishments, a statement about your willingness and ability to serve and how you feel you can contribute to CMG’s success and a picture of yourself to [email protected] before or by September 25, 2017.  Your submittal will be acknowledged upon receipt. After review you will be contacted by the Nomination Committee.  For further information please contact Amanda Hendley ([email protected]) or Nell Owens ([email protected]).

Thanks in advance for your interest,

The CMG Nomination Committee



Nominating Committee Schedule

  • September 11-25: Interested Candidates submit Statement of Interest
  • September 25 – October 5:  Candidates should be available for 2 calls with Nominating Committee
  • October 5-6: Nominating Committee determines slate
  • October 9: Board Votes on the slate
  • November 5, Evening: First Board Meeting with New Board in New Orleans


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