IMPACT 2019: The importance of maintaining capacity planning in the next era of the mainframe – Chris Walker and co-author Rebecca Levesque, IBM - Computer Measurement Group

IMPACT 2019: The importance of maintaining capacity planning in the next era of the mainframe – Chris Walker and co-author Rebecca Levesque, IBM

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IMPACT 2019: The importance of maintaining capacity planning in the next era of the mainframe – Chris Walker and co-author Rebecca Levesque, IBM

Before the days of relatively inexpensive computing resources, Capacity Planning (particularly for mainframes) was a serious discipline that ensured that resource utilization was closely managed, hardware purchases were carefully forecasted and thoroughly justified. But as the cost of resources has continued to decline, the discipline of past Capacity Planning practices has relaxed. Even companies that recognize that Capacity Planning is still important often rely on manual efforts and homegrown tools to do the job. Ironically, as the workloads have become more complex and intertwined, the expertise to measure and plan for them is dwindling. In most cases, the mainframe is the “system of record” for a business: it’s your lifeblood where most of your customer databases reside and the transactions that support those customers are executed. Why invest the effort to develop and maintain a capacity management practice?

Come and see what best practices you can apply and what generally available tools you can leverage to augment your homegrown tools to ensure that you properly care and plan for your company’s resources. Currently available tools have improved capabilities for predictive forecasting and “what-if” scenarios to simulate future resource utilization.

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