z/OS Performance Risk Management: Easy Things To Do To Reduce the Risk of Bad Performance - Computer Measurement Group

z/OS Performance Risk Management: Easy Things To Do To Reduce the Risk of Bad Performance

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z/OS Performance Risk Management: Easy Things To Do To Reduce the Risk of Bad Performance

Performance management for z/OS systems is a well-established field, and z/OS has a wealth of performance data and tools to help with that. However, sometimes organizations make decisions or have practices that limit their ability to effectively manage z/OS performance. In this session Scott Chapman will explore some of those anti-patterns, from the perspective of the easy things you can and should do to make it easier for you to understand and manage z/OS performance.

Presented by

Scott Chapman, CIO at Enterprise Performance Strategies

Scott Chapman has over three decades of experience in the IBM mainframe environment. Much of this experience has focused on performance, from both the application and systems perspective. He’s written COBOL application code and Assembler system exit code. He’s ported Java applications to the mainframe as well as developed unique Java applications. His mainframe responsibilities have spanned application development, performance tuning, capacity planning, software cost management, system tuning, sysplex configuration, WLM configuration, and most other facets of keeping a mainframe environment running effectively. At Enterprise Performance Strategies, Scott has helped customers around the world understand and improve the performance of their z/OS systems. He is one of the principal designers and developers of the Pivotor performance reporting product. Scott has spoken extensively at user group meetings and was honored to receive the Computer Measurement Group’s Mullen award, and also co-authored a CMG’s best paper. He has also received SHARE’s Best Session Award multiple times. Scott is a founding steering committee member of the Central Ohio Mainframe User’s Group and the current chairman of the Ohio Valley Computer Measurement Group. Presented multiple times at SHARE. Presented multiple webinars.


IMPACT 2023 Proceeding Session Video:
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