Executive Insights - Computer Measurement Group

Executive Insights

July 30, 2019
Executive Insights Atlanta | 4 Habits of digital transformation titans – Joel Beasley :: Modern CTO + LeaderBits.io
What do the CTOs of Microsoft, Verizon and NASA do to accelerate digital transformation? Learn […]
July 31, 2019
Executive Insights Atlanta | The Role of a Chief Data Officer and How It Supports Boards of Directors – James Howard :: Independent Advisor and Published Author
Companies are increasingly looking to leverage data as a new revenue stream and to increase […]
July 31, 2019
Executive Insights Atlanta | Building Your Cloud-Ready DX Roadmap – Rockford Lhotka :: CTO, Magenic
Cloud migration and modernization is the topic on nearly everyone’s mind these days. Whether you […]
July 31, 2019
Executive Insights Atlanta | Driving Digital Transformation with Intention – Jeff Clement :: Director, Client Services at Metasource IT
You can only enable Digital Transformation through an intentional redesign, remix, and reimagining of these […]
August 2, 2019
Executive Insights Atlanta | The Future of IT and the Human Element – Jason James :: Chief Information Officer, Net Health
Digital transformation brings with it many rewards for organizations. From modernizing technology, reducing risks and […]
August 5, 2019
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