IMPACT 2019 - Computer Measurement Group


December 19, 2018
IMPACT Session Announcement: The New World Order of Cyber Security
See the IMPACT Schedule Here  About the Session: The new world of cyber security is […]
December 28, 2018
IMPACT Session Spotlight: A new foundation in understanding AI’s impact on business and IT
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has moved from the domain of universities to businesses. It is easy […]
January 3, 2019
IMPACT Session Announcement: From the move from monolith to microservices – An introduction to DevOps in SaaS tool sets
See the IMPACT Schedule Here  About the Session: Moving from monolith to microservices, it is […]
January 8, 2019
IMPACT Session Spotlight: Context-driven performance testing
The recent revolution in the industry opened new opportunities for performance testing; for example, to […]
January 16, 2019
IMPACT Session Spotlight: Integrating risk assessment in performance monitoring and capacity management
Risk is one of the elements that is overlooked when discussing performance monitoring or capacity […]
January 23, 2019
IMPACT Session Spotlight: Sushi, beer, and 24-hour work days An inside view of startup best practices and recommendations
Interested in the culture of a startup? Need to work with or market to a […]
January 30, 2019
IMPACT Session Spotlight: Catching Anomaly and Normality in Cloud by Neural Net and Entropy Calculation
Part 1.  The Neural Network (NN) is not a new machine learning method. About 12 years […]
February 14, 2019
IMPACT 2019: How to build a productive cloud-native organization with OpenTracing – Kevin Crawley, Instana
In this session, we will cover how to install Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger on a […]
March 1, 2019
IMPACT 2019: Anomaly detection at scale for performance engineers – Tuli Nivas, Salesforce
As performance engineers, we understand the importance of software testing during and after development to […]
March 1, 2019
IMPACT 2019: Deep Learning and IoT workshop – Anoush Najarian & Rohith Bakkannagar, MathWorks
The world has billions of sensors and internet-connected devices that generate large quantities of data […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: An exploration of z/OS SYSTEM abnormalities – Mark Cohen Austrowiek, EPV TECHNOLOGIES SRL
This presentation locates abnormalities in all z/OS areas and understands the correlation between them in […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: The move from monolith to microservices: an introduction to devops in saas tool set – Yuri Ardulov, RingCentral, IEEE
We will present the set of tools that are necessary for any global SaaS company. […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: Building a representative, effective model to randomly generate valid sequences of web page visits for load testing – Andre B. Bondi, Consultants
Co‐written by Andre Bondi and Apeni Lotha: We used a compiler design technique to build […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: Java performance troubleshooting and optimization at scale – Kingsum Chow, Jonathan Lu, and Sanhong Li, Alibaba
Alibaba is moving toward one of the most efficient cloud infrastructures for global online shopping. […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: Performance and the software development life cycle – Mark B. Friedman, Demand Technology Software
This talk presents best practices for integrating performance into each phase of software development, from […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: How to mitigate slow run-time risk against in web applications – Mark B. Friedman, Demand Technology Software
This presentation focuses on the YSlow model of web application performance, named after the YSlow […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: The importance of maintaining capacity planning in the next era of the mainframe – Chris Walker and co-author Rebecca Levesque, IBM
Before the days of relatively inexpensive computing resources, Capacity Planning (particularly for mainframes) was a […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: Context-driven performance testing – Alexander Podelko, Oracle
The recent revolution in the industry opened new opportunities for performance testing; for example, to […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: Anomaly detection at scale for performance engineers – Tuli Nivas, Salesforce
As performance engineers, we understand the importance of software testing during and after development to […]
March 7, 2019
IMPACT 2019: Demystifying z/OS CPU measurements – Scott Chapman, Enterprise Performance Strategies
z/OS CPU measurements seem to confuse many people, especially when trying to understand how all […]

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