The St. Louis Computer Measurement Group “STLCMG” is a regional chapter of the Computer Measurement Group, Inc.

July 17, 2018 | Presentations

Annual Seat Pricing

• Cost is $100 for 1 seat to 4 STL-CMG Meetings .
• Regular price is $25 per meeting.
• Go to management only once per year for money .
• Don’t worry about missing the early-bird-cut-off.
• Can be used by anyone in your company.
• Can be used for any meeting during the year.
• Mix and match attendees and meetings.

Number of seats is the total number of seats for the year.  Seats are assigned to a company, not a particular person.  If one person attends all four meeting, then the number of seats  is 4.  If two people attend three meetings, then the number of seats is 6.