2017 Conference Proceedings - Computer Measurement Group

2017 Conference Proceedings

Best Paper Award Winners
November 21, 2017
CMG Journal Fall 2017
November 29, 2017

2017 Conference Proceedings

Capacity and Management

Ses # Title Author Last Author First Track
225 Improved IT Operations Management for IT Managers and Capacity Planners Armstrong Andrew CAP
205 ITIL Capacity Management for the Newbie Baker  Jamie CAP
302 Screaming into the Void Bell Phillip CAP
244 Meeting Web Application Performance Service Level Requirements Head-on Brady  James CAP
2L5c The road to Actionable Intelligence is paved with Minimum, Average, 95th Percentile and Maximum Davies  Benjamin CAP
2L6a Adventures with Charge Back and the value of a useful consistent lie Davies  Benjamin CAP
412 Incorporating Weather Data into Capacity Planning Analysis Davies  Benjamin CAP
344 Removing Silos While Developing A Comprehensive Hybrid Cloud Resiliency Solution Eckert  Kim CAP
326b Demonstrating Return on Investment for Capacity Management  Feiste  Dale CAP
374 Practical Lessons for Business-Aligned Capacity Management Gallo  Andrea CAP
376 The Curse of P90: An Elegant Way to Overcome it Without Magic Gilgur  Alexander CAP
322b Behaviour-driven Cost Reduction for IT Hardware & Software Gladstone  Jonathan CAP
1K1 Building and rebuilding a data center every day
Access the Book Mention in the Presentation Here
Hunter  Edward CAP
2L7a Business Intelligence in Capacity Management Leikis  Craig CAP
324 Impact on Existing Security and Compliance when Migrating to Third-Party Hosted Cloud Mantella Tino CAP
435 Performance Aware Capacity Provisioning and Management Paridon  Chuck CAP
192 How to Drive Business Value with Capacity Management Schultz  Jeff CAP
286 Capacity Management Essentials: a Framework for Capacity Analysis Sheetz  Debbie CAP
362 The Model Factory – Correlating Server and Database Utilization with Customer Activity Trubin  Igor CAP
2L6b Capacity Management chronicles: what I learned in my first 10 years as a global consultant Vasco  Andrea CAP
432 Multivariate IT Capacity Modeling Vasco  Andrea CAP
2L6c Performance Management Service Level and Activities Calculator Wingrove  Ellen CAP


195 Hybrid IT: The Conflict of Availability, Accessibility, and System of Record Andrews  Jeff MAIN
375 Planning and Performance Study in the consolidation of Mainframe CECs (Best Paper-Brazil) Araujo  Gustavo MAIN
326a Cost Savings While Increasing Capacity Armstrong Andrew MAIN
347 Invited: z/OS SMT: Deciding Whether to Enable Chapman  Scott MAIN
364 SMF 99 – The Lost Gold of WLM Analytics Enrico Peter MAIN
245 Proactive Performance Management of FICON Storage Networks with CUP Diagnostics and the IBM z/OS Health Checker Guendert  Stephen MAIN
345 Understanding MultiHop FICON Performance, Management, and Configurations Guendert  Stephen MAIN
405 Achieving CPU (& MLC) Savings through Optimizing Processor Cache (2017 Best Paper) Havekost  Todd MAIN
191 Processor Reporting from Capture Ratio to RNI Houtekamer  Gilbert MAIN
415 Performance Insights for the Newest areas of your z/OS Infrastructure Houtekamer  Gilbert MAIN
227b The Latest IBM Z Performance Brief Hutton  David MAIN
284 Invited: Megawhosis and Gigawhatsis?! Microprocessors Demystified, Transistors Explained and the Increased Importance of Well-written Software Discussed Hutton  David MAIN
433 The RNI-based LSPR and the Latest z Systems Performance Brief Hutton  David MAIN
224a Mainframe Capacity Management – Time to come out of the silo Johnson  Charles MAIN
242 To MIPS or Not to MIPS, That is the CP Question! King  Gary MAIN
367 Inside look of z/OS Workload Manager Rama  Hemanth MAIN
304 z/OS 2.3 in Clouds (Best Paper-Brazil) Salla Alvaro MAIN

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